You may be aware of some recent adverts in various media encouraging young people to consider science and maths and to ‘see where they can take you’.
These are part of the STEM Careers Awareness Campaign which is being delivered by the DCSF and its partners. This campaign comprises a range of initiatives to improve STEM careers awareness and uptake and is aimed at students, parents, teachers and IAG providers.
The campaign is in response to Action Programme 8 of the National STEM Programme: ‘All young people to be made aware of STEM career opportunities and well prepared to develop skills needed to pursue them.’
The careers campaign has four initiatives:
- Integrated communication campaign, including the adverts and
- Future Morph website for 11 to 19 year olds.
- Careers awareness resources, providing support to schools, teachers, careers education and IAG professionals in the form of online tools.
- Careers awareness timeline, designed to establish a more coherent structure for young people to learn about careers relating to science and maths during KS3.
The STEM Careers Awareness Stakeholder Guide gives an update on the campaign.