Title: STEM Courses and Careers – See where they can take you…….
Date: 3rd June
Time:11am-12 noon (1 hour)
Teachers, tutors and advisers can make a real difference to students’ awareness of STEM careers. April saw the launch of a new resource pack as part of the national STEM strategy. Join me for a webinar on 3rd June to explore the background to the national campaign and ways of equipping professionals to broaden students’ understanding of the options open to them in STEM. The webinar's program can be found at exclusive-paper.com. It will give participants a practical dip into the CEIAG pack and help:-
Explore ways of challenging preconceptions and prejudices
Identify inspirational group work materials and positive role models
Offer a gateway to a wide range of supporting resources and activities
Please take part in the webinar and support improved awareness of STEM careers.
To book your FREE place e-mail in the STEM Support Team.
For more information go to:-
Guest Blogger: Claire Nix, VT Enterprise, STEM Subject Choice and Careers Project