Jonathan Taylor, a materials technologist with Rolls Royce in Derby, was featured in The Times magazine on Saturday 18th April. Jonathan’s portrait is part of STEMNET’s new Leading Lights exhibition which aims to raise awareness of the STEM Ambassadors programme and to challenge public perceptions about what working in STEM means.
The exhibition of 18 portraits of young STEM Ambassadors is going to Manchester, Cheltenham, Birmingham and Bristol until the end of August.
The portraits are stunning and unusual. You can see the exhibition tour dates and the portraits on our new website at
STEMNET would welcome other venues interested in taking this exhibition for free. If you have any ideas for locating the exhibition in the East Midlands anytime from September 2009 onwards then do get in touch with Cathy Brown on .
P.S. STEM Ambassadors is the new name for STEMNET’s established Science and Engineering Ambassadors programme.