Coming soon..... The Biggest Bang Nottingham Has Ever Seen!
On Tuesday the 28th of June, students from the whole of the East Midlands will come to Nottingham University's East Midlands Conference Centre in the greatest festival of regional science talent yet experienced! Come and marvel at the inside of the earth in 3D, join in the fight for cleaner energy, and experience the magic of the Act Out Theatre Company as they celebrate female engineers throughout the centuries!
Most importantly of all, however, is the competition judging the very best young scientists, engineers and STEM clubs the region has to offer. Those brining projects and clubs can win cash prizes and go forward to the national final in March 2012.
For more information, visit http://www.thebigbangfair.co.uk/eastmidlands or phone 01827 316297.
28/06/11- The Big Bang East Midlands- East Midlands Conference Centre, University of Nottingham.
Be there!