August may be regarded by some as a ‘news’ graveyard – or the ‘silly season’ – but as we beaver away at the EM STEM Partnership PR we know there are plenty of newsworthy things to say and share.
In the past couple of days we have interested two publications in taking articles about the investment emda is making into STEM projects and we feel there is enormous un-tapped potential to work with Partner in-house publications such as newsletters, magazines, e-bulletins.
Whether it’s publications like ‘Classroom Physics’ (published by the IOP) or ‘Science in Schools’, I welcome Partners’ involvement in making those all-important introductions to editors. Once we have their ear, we can do the rest.
So if you are still pinned to your desk (with one ear on the Test Match) or sunning yourself with your laptop, please the details of your industry/professional publications and details of who we should talk to.
Louise Third, STEM Partnership PR