The Space Academy Competition 2010 was a chance for me to go deeper into the subject of the planet Mars than I ever had before, revealing just how fascinating the universe is! I've personally always been intrigued by the red planet, but the knowledge that just a few °C rise at the poles could start to make Mars habitable really gets you thinking about the future of the human race...I was simply ecstatic when I heard that I'd won the competition, I was just completely in shock! To have the chance to travel to the world's most northerly rocket range in Norway, meet some of the world's top space scientists and to launch a rocket is like a dream come true! The European Space Camp (ESC) is an opportunity like no other; not just for me, but for all young people. Whilst at the ESC I plan to give daily updates (maybe by video) on my time there, in order to promote how far Science and Math’s can take people.
I really don't know what to expect from the European Space Camp, I guess the realisation of where I'm going hasn't really sunk in yet with A Level exams looming! However, I know that this will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to live out my dream to get involved with space, so I'll see you in Norway!
Blog by Post 16 - Space Academy Competition 2010 Winner Ryan MacDonald