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emda stem Programme

The East Midlands has the UK’s highest proportion of graduates active in the labour market and attracts more technology and engineering students than anywhere else in the country. That’s something of which to be really proud.

But there’s a growing gap between demand for STEM graduates and the number of those taking the subjects. In the East Midlands, we have a below-national-average GCSE attainment rate, with fewer of our own students going on to study STEM subjects at further and higher education.

The goal of East Midlands Development Agency (emda) is for the East Midlands to be a flourishing region by 2020. That means creating a fertile environment for growing and innovative businesses, a highly skilled workforce in quality jobs, and healthy, inclusive communities. A big part of that is inspiring more young people to follow STEM career paths.

To support everyone involved in STEM delivery, emda has made a major three-year investment. emda’s £6m investment in STEM enhancement and enrichment of the curriculum is providing a huge boost to schools and teachers across the region, helping to fuel the imaginations of their pupils and make STEM study and careers an exciting option,” says emda Chairman Dr Bryan Jackson.

To find out more about the big STEM initiatives emda is funding, follow the menu on the left.