What are media workshops?
Media Workshops are held to provide STEM Student Journalists and teachers with as much information and inspiration as possible to get started.
When are they held?
They are held Bi-annually. The first workshop was held on 4th June 2008 at the National Space Centre in Leicester and the second workshop took place on 8th October at BioCity, Nottingham.
The third workshop is taking place Wendesday 13th May. All participating schools and colleges, as well as potential new recruits will be notified in good time. The dates for 2009 and 2010 are subject to confirmation. If you would like to register for the workshop e-mail in the STEM Support Team.
If I can’t attend, what then?
Everything you need to know is in this section of the website, including workshop handouts.
Downloadable documents for the media workshops:
- Agenda for Wednesday 4th June 2008, National Space Centre
- Frequently asked questions
- Consent form